
Raghvendra Singh

Manish Raj
March 29, 2018
Kshitij Singh
April 23, 2018

Raghvendra Singh


I am so fortunate that I have got chance to write something on such a great Institution. I have joined Physical Design batch in Feb 2018, although I was admitted late my mentor helped by revising all the previous topics he has covered. Here I have learned physical design flow and Pearl scripting language. Mentors in PinE provide a perfect skill set by balancing between theoretical and practical knowledge. I am so thankful to my mentors who helped me to be a good technical person. The unique thing about PinE is that knowledge sharing not limited to classrooms only, Mentors are available all the time to help. As far as my personal experience at PinE is concern, it is a great foundation which prepares their students to get entry to VLSI industry. PinE shapes each and every student in a perfect way to make him technically sound person. Thank you PinE Training Academy!!