
Shreya Dewan

Prakhar Doneriya
March 7, 2022
Jaspreet Singh
March 7, 2022

Shreya Dewan

Shreya Dewan from Verification-4 batch. My journey in PinE has been through many highs and lows, but the result has been fruitful. I’ll be joining CircuitSutra as my first step into the semiconductor industry. I would like to share my humble experience with you all. In my 3rd year of college, I was at a crossroads with my career choices, just like any other Electronics engineering student. As much as the IT sector lured me, I always had a feeling that I would be a misfit in the industry. I learnt from my seniors and batchmates about PinE, and one day Vaibhav sir came to our college to shed light on the VLSI domain. I thought to give it a try and signed up for this roller coaster ride, though I was late to the party. Vaibhav sir taught us Digital Electronics in an intriguing way, and we implemented it through schematics and on FPGA using Verilog. In my 4th year, I continued with the ASIC Verification -4 batch. I learnt C, C++, Verilog, Linux commands, Bash, Data Structures, System Verilog, UVM, TCL in detail with the help of various assignments, which gave me a clearer understanding of their concepts. In addition, we were also put through Aptitude and Digital classes which proved to be quite beneficial. The efforts that our mentors put have always been unparalleled. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our Scripting mentor, Verification mentor, Aptitude and Digital mentor, and Vaibhav sir for always pushing me to my limits and teaching in the best way possible. I thoroughly enjoyed my Scripting lessons and it is only because of Scripting Mentor who always kept us on our toes. Sir taught us Linux commands, Bash and TCL in great detail. In addition to the assignments he gave us, he followed up with buddy discussions throughout the week. Sir has put a lot of time and energy into teaching us, correcting us, and shaping us into better learners and seekers. I remember being banished from his classes because of untimely submissions and I truly regretted that. Scripting had been my top priority because of how much I enjoyed learning more. Sir helped us build a better and professional version of ourselves. Even during the pandemic, sir conducted TCL classes online and taught us in the best possible manner. It is because of his guidance and support that I got such a wonderful career opportunity. He always motivated me to work harder and focus on the more important things. I am truly thankful to Scripting Mentor for everything. Vaibhav sir has a special place in this journey as he introduced me into the VLSI world. From teaching us Digital and Verilog in my 3rd year to being a wonderful guide later on, he has always kept my spirits up. Sir always pushed me to put more effort and focus more on all the modules being taught. He constantly checked up on me to ensure that I was moving in the right direction. In November 2019, I was very demotivated and withdrew from sitting in the 1st drive of CST. Of course, sir was very angry with me for dismissing that opportunity, but I knew I wasn’t quite ready for it and sir supported my decision. From that day, I started to put all my efforts to learn C and C++ by doing projects and reading in depth. For the preparation of the next CST drive, sir arranged a lot of material, and assigned us buddies for clarification of doubts and follow up on projects. Even during Covid times, he constantly motivated us to take tests, learn better and do well in our interviews. It is because of his guidance that I got selected in CST in May 2020. I remember sir telling me that he is like a big brother to me and that I can always look up to him. Sir always brings positivity to the table and I cannot thank him enough for whatever he has done for me. I would like to thank DV Mentor for effectively teaching us C, C++, Data Structures, Verilog, System Verilog and UVM. Sir always gave us assignments and projects to work upon and gain a better understanding of concepts. He always conducted doubt sessions at the end of each class which proved to be quite useful and was always interacting with us and sharing his experiences. Especially during System Verilog, sir helped us understand the concepts more clearly by giving various examples to solve and discuss, and giving us visual explanations to help us understand the flow. Thank you sir for your constant guidance. Our Aptitude and Digital mentor always had great energy and he pushed and motivated us to learn in a different way. Sir has a unique teaching style which always intrigued us. He gave us various puzzles to solve and discuss which were great for brainstorming. The Digital assignments have always been useful and have helped me to understand Digital circuits better. Thank you sir for your support. I would like to make a special mention of Buddy, our buddy who took out the time to teach us System Verilog better. He always followed up with us for doubts, and clarified many concepts. He made us work on SV projects and walked us through all the SV concepts one by one. Thank you sir for your guidance. I would like to thank all my buddies who were always there at the distance of a WhatsApp message to clear our doubts, day and night. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my teammates who have been a huge sport. They have always been there for me behind the scenes to help me through any problem, technical or personal. Time to time, they have motivated me and helped me gain perspective. Thank you PinE family for this wonderful journey.